Everything You Need To Know About Denture Repair

Overall dental health and appearance can greatly impact one’s self-esteem. Not only does a broken denture make everyday tasks such as chewing, swallowing, and talking unnecessarily difficult, it can also be embarrassing. A reputable denture clinic will listen and make you feel comfortable — and will show you how to care for your dentures to lengthen their life-span and avoid costly repairs. Below, we discuss everything you need to know about denture repair.

Why Do Dentures Break?

Dentures can break for several reasons. The average lifespan of dentures is anywhere between 5 and 10 years, and daily wear and tear is inevitable, even with great care. Acidic foods, hot and cold temperatures, and the moisture in your mouth can wear down your dentures.

Other factors including jawbone changes and accidental damage are also common. Jawbone and mouth changes are most commonly due to aging and bone loss which can cause your dentures to fit poorly. This lack of stability can cause pressure points and stress on your dentures and lead them to break.

How to Avoid Broken Dentures

The best way to avoid breaking your dentures is with annual visits to see your denturist. Your denturist will be able to prevent breakage by examining and relining your dentures before damage occurs. At home, we recommend our patients fill up their bathroom sink with water when removing or cleaning their dentures. If they slip out of your hands and fall, they’ll hit the water instead of the porcelain and minimize damage. This is something simple you can do every day, but ensuring you see your denturist every year for an assessment is essential.

What To Do If Your Dentures Break

If your dentures become damaged, stop using them immediately until they are assessed and repaired by your denturist. Although it can be difficult to live without your dentures, wearing them when they’re broken or not fitting correctly can cause sore spots. Do not attempt to fix your dentures yourself. Do-it-yourself repair kits can cause permanent damage, and over-the-counter glues may contain harmful chemicals. This may seem like a temporary quick-fix, but without the skill, it will likely ruin your dentures. Handle your dentures carefully, so not to damage them further, and call your denturist right away to schedule a repair.

How McCabe’s Approaches Denture Repair

Our trained technicians will assess the extent of the damage and recommend the best course of action. In some cases, the fix may be a simple tooth replacement or fixing a crack in the plate. After several repairs, new dentures may be necessary.  At McCabe Denture Clinic, we are typically able to offer same-day repairs for your convenience.

If you have any questions regarding denture repair, check out our Ask A Pro page or reach out to us directly. 

6 Signs You Need New Dentures- dental patient smiling in mirror at their teethCloseup of a womans mouth as she points to her teeth